• All dumplings are raw and frozen. KEEP THEM FROZEN until ready to cook

  • Internal temp of dumplings must reach 165 degrees before safe to eat

  • Sweet Pork Belly and Veggie need to be steamed. Others can be boiled.

  • There is no 100% right way to cook them. A lot like to steam/boil, then pan-fry at the very end

  • PAIR WITH OUR HOUSE-MADE SICHUAN CHILI OIL!! Add after dumplings are fully cooked


  • Oil pan/steamer (or use parchment paper)

  • Steam for about 7-8 minutes until internal temp is at least 165 degrees


  • Boil water 1st, then add frozen dumplings

  • After about 4-5 minutes, dumplings will float, add a cup of water to pot

  • Another 2-3 minutes, float again, add 1 cup

  • Wait another 2-3 minutes until they float and scoop them out (check temp)

Frozen Dumplings Cooking Guide: